Wednesday, July 2, 2008
The "third" first day of school
Well, I was very excited for the first day of school that i woke up at 5:00 that I don't usually do. It was thopught it was exciting to be in the third-year. I was excited to see my classmates and friends. I missed them so much. I was hoping for a new classmate, a new face to see inside the room.
At school, we got the news that we have a new classmate. EVerybody started to talk about him/her. It's good to have a new classmate(being) in this "crazy" family. But at the rest of the day, we received many asignments and projects already, but still, it's feels good to0 be back.
posted by @ 8:26 PM   2 comments
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Udah Lewat
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