Sunday, November 9, 2008
Ma, what's the candle for?

Nov. 1-- All Souls day. As far as I know, All Souls day is a day to honor the dead people. It is a day that we go to the cementery, pray, and light candles. While I was lighting a candle for my uncle, I heard Karty (an 8 year old cousin) ask her mom, "Ma, what's the candle for?'. I listened. Her mom then answered, "Nan kakan da ya usalen da di ay umey ka-heaven (They said that they use that to go to heaven)". Karty then laughed.

I then went back to what I was doing carrying that question. What is the significance of lighting a candle during All Souls day? I researched. Some people say that it is a ritual, a culture passed down by I don't know who. But I think it is done to show your respect to those who passed away. Well, whatever is it's importance, It's nice to have a holiday together with your families... even the dead ones.
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