Wednesday, August 6, 2008
All my life I have been wondering what course I'm gonna take. I had the idea of being an architect because they say I'm good in drawing but then I found out that Math is their major subject. Then, I thought about being a nurse, a pediatrician specifically, but then found out that I have to deal with the memorizing of different medicines and had to deal with blood. Then I stumbled on thinking about being a cook. Yes, that's it. I wanted to be a cook. Taking less math. Memorizing recipes and the variety of food were going to cook/bake. Yeah, I'm going to take Culinary Arts.
I'd like to finish my studies, help my family, and marry.... someone.
posted by @ 8:40 PM   3 comments
As usual, I expected English to be fun ('cause it's my favorite subject besides Science). I thought the teacher speaks well and levels her words with our vocabulary. I'm glad she's open and kind and humorous.
For the other subjects.. well.. I found some of them complicated and quite hard. I was happy to have Biotech. On TLE, I looked forward on baking and eating delicious cakes, tarts, rolls... heheh.

posted by @ 8:35 PM   0 comments
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Location: Philippines
Udah Lewat
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